Friday, April 23, 2010

William Shatner: Governor-General of Canada?

The CBC website reports a grassroots effort on Facebook to draft William Shatner as Canada's next Governor-General:

Really?!! Now that would be something!
Feel free to post your pros and cons here :)


  1. YES! If anyone can get Canada the recognition it so richly deserves, it's Big Bill Shatner. The pros are obvious - and what cons could there possibly be? I guarantee Canada's never had a governor-general who could do Rocket Man the way Shat can. VOTE SHAT!!! (I may try to become a Canadian citizen if he's elected; I'd be proud to march behind Bill wherever he might lead.)

  2. Great Roger! (But Governors-General are appointed rather than elected, so we just have to get the prime minister on our side.)
