Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pray for Africa

Sunday's New York Times carried an op-ed piece by Bono about his recent trip to Africa in which he met with home-grown entrepreneurs and activists for change. Read about it here:

The continent of Africa holds a fascination for many people, but probably most of us never think of it on any given day. It is Earth's second-most populous continent, with more than one billion people in 61 nations and territories.

About 400 million Christians live on this continent, and their numbers are growing rapidly. In his important book "The Next Christendom: The Rise of Global Christianity", Philip Jenkins details the roots and spectacular progress of the Christian church in Africa.

Yet there are many concerns -- poverty, political corruption, war, and continual friction with Muslims, who comprise 45% of Africa's population.

Take a few minutes this week to pray for Africa, and ask God what your role may be in His plan for this great continent.

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